We Are All Just Travelers Here

Traveler’s Chapel

Wall Drug, South Dakota

I felt a pull, a call to walk into Wall Drug in South Dakota. Not for the food or the shops.

To a doorway, that lead into The Traveler’s Chapel.

Tears flow immediately. I feel I am re-connecting to my family in the heavens. To the Holy Ones. I close my eyes and I am in a different place, my soul traveling faster than the speed of sound. From Here to There in the blink of my eyes.

There is no time There.

The light in the chapel flickers. I am not alone. Many are with me, the Holy Ones.

I open my eyes and see candles with the number 33, paintings of Mother Mary and Jesus, and an unusual relic-a large life size carving of the rosary-exactly like the one I have at home.

The light flickers off.

My guides are here. I am born of water and spirit, and will always return there.

“You resonated to a dimension beyond this one, as in meditation. You resonate to chapels and relics and symbols of Jesus and Mother Mary.”

The energy shifts in my body, time shifts.

“You soul is holding more light and connecting to your true self. You are Here (the expanded dimension) and There (where humans live). You can experience both (while in your body).

This is the gift of Life-to open your eyes and be there while always here.

The void is what you call, ‘floating around with God.’ The void is where you go while still There to experience Here.

One day after (what you call) death; you will know so profoundly that the body is a gift of Life. You are a traveler.”

I am Beacon of Light

Your guide

Who loves you

Who sees your heart.

The tears flow and the light flickers on.

Remember, we are all travelers Here.


My brother Johnny


Mt. Rushmore