Welcome to Bali
(Island of the Gods)

I journeyed to Bali with 11 other amazing humans. A group gathered together and guided by our fearless leader, Jonette Crowley, and her Center of Creative Consciousness. We embarked on a journey to honor our Earth Mother, through individual and collective experiences.

Bali awakened in my soul and body memories of ancient days.
Remembrances of my existence.
A deep knowing that we are all woven together.

As we joined with our Balinese brothers and sisters, we felt deeply connected to them and their culture. Their warm welcome reminded us of who we really are. We are not merely humans born into different parts of the planet. We are all one beating heart.

I remain so thankful for the experience of this time with these brothers and sisters from around the world. I left with such a deep reverence for my existence here, supported by my Earth Mother, each other, and spirit. Always connected to the source of all creation.

I left Bali with a tenderness in my heart for our divine mother. How she holds me and us so tenderly. I am brought to tears as I feel her presence… even now… wherever I take a step on the earth and breath in my body.

My human body may have left Bali.
But part of my existence remains.
As it has always been there.

This trip was so powerful….

Getting There
Traveling to Bali was long. While many major airlines offer regular flights to Ngurah Rai International Airport in Denpasar, this was not the case for me.

My Trip
I waited a long time to take this trip. Originally scheduled in 2020, my trip was cancelled and delayed due to the pandemic. I was finally able to go in May of 2023!

My Experience
Bali was a kiss from the Universe. I am still integrating all of its beautiful lessons and can’t wait to share my experience with you…

Balinese Temples

The rituals of the Balinese Hindu in their temples, and in their land, awakened in me the reverence of my existence here. These experiences can happen anywhere; for me they happened in Bali.

Tirta Empul

The Tirta Empul purification ritual, also known as Melukat, is one of the most sacred and important ceremonies in Balinese Hinduism. During this ritual, I wore traditional Balinese clothing and brought offerings of flowers, rice, and incense. As water poured over my head, cleansing remnants of my dense human experience, I was lifted higher into the realms of my own divinity. Hands lifted in prayer, my own spirit drew me up into the spirit of God, while my feet remained on the ground.

Water Temples

There are so many temples scattered throughout Bali and many require boats to travel to them. It was so incredible boarding a boat and being able to experience these sacred sites surrounded by water. Water was such a strong spirit in Bali. The island is surrounded by water and water courses through it, like a network of arteries and veins bringing life-giving energy wherever it flows.

Sacred Dance

Outside the temples, young Balinese girls performed the sacred Barong dance from the Hindu Ramayana Legends. Art and dance are an important part of Balinese culture and the beautiful colors and movement transported me to a different time.

Bali was infused with so much fire energy and I can feel this energy coming through her movement and beautiful head piece and dress.

The Balinese dancers invited us into an ancient culture of respect for movement of the spirit within the body. An invitation to dance with fire, earth and wind.